Annie Monyok Annie Monyok

The view from down in it.

However, a leader who strikes a balance between being engaged in day-to-day operations and developing forward-thinking strategies can foster a different outcome. By empowering their workforce and fostering ownership, they keep the organization's engine finely tuned. Their ability to communicate a clear vision for the future ensures that their team remains motivated and optimistic about the prospects ahead.

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Annie Monyok Annie Monyok

Work/Rest Balance

“A pursuit of equilibrium between the energy we expend on our life works and things we do to replenish and restore ourselves. Biologically we are trying to achieve this sweet spot anyway. Our bodies are constantly trying to reach a level of regulation to attain and maintain optimal performance. Maybe it’s time to lean in!” - Brittany Morris

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Annie Monyok Annie Monyok

Have you ever found yourself frustrated with others' actions or behavior? I certainly have. Since the beginning of the year, I've been diving into a class called Being With, led by Sara Sherman of Discovery Horse. You might recall us sharing about Sara and her Neuro-relational ™ Coaching practice last fall in a Rise + Grind called In Direct Conflict. These past few months with Sara have been an eye-opener for me as a leader, parent, and partner. There are so many nuggets of wisdom to learn from Sara but the one that I’ve been carrying with me since our very first session is: “Changing how you see people, changes people.”

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Annie Monyok Annie Monyok

Fear + Frustration Are Powerful Motivators

I'm not going to sugarcoat it—this week's news about Quaker Oats closing its doors in Danville hit hard. Five hundred and ten of our neighbors, friends, and family members are facing the stark reality of losing their jobs in the next two months. It's a gut punch, no doubt about it.

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Annie Monyok Annie Monyok

It’s about getting it going.

“It’s not always about getting it perfectly right; it’s about getting it going.” This line is like my secret weapon. It's my go-to piece of advice because, well, it's the truth. Let me walk you through a recent reminder I had about this nugget of wisdom.

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Annie Monyok Annie Monyok

Learn Something Hard

Back in school, I was sort of a mediocre student. I never quite warmed up to the whole classroom scene, and it showed in my lackluster effort and less-than-stellar report cards. Whenever the topic of my kids' schoolwork comes up with my mom, she never fails to regale me with the tale of our first-grade spelling sessions. Apparently, I couldn't even spell “did.” She always underscores the difficulty of spelling “did” with; “You could spell it backwards and still get it right, Annie!”

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Annie Monyok Annie Monyok

The Fog Of Leadership

“But what happens when, even with perspective, the problem is too big, the conflict is too messy, or the solution is too obscure? The path to resolution is foggy.”

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Annie Monyok Annie Monyok

Can entrepreneurs save the world?

“I spoke to one entrepreneur that said, “If I could have any superpower, it would be the ability to not tire. Just think what you could create if you never got tired!?” It is that spirit that is within entrepreneurs that if we could bottle, we would surely save the world.”

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Annie Monyok Annie Monyok

Just do it.

“In my fear of taking two steps forward only to take one step back I have overlooked one crucial fact—even when I take two steps forward and one step back—I am still taking one step forward.”

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Annie Monyok Annie Monyok

Be Kind Anyway.

“Kindness is never wasted, and in the face of criticism, it becomes a powerful asset.”

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Annie Monyok Annie Monyok

Bend & Snap!

The iconic move from Legally Blonde had junior high me thinking I'd discovered the key to flirting. Fast forward to today, and my admiration for Reese Witherspoon goes beyond the bend and snap. Let's unpack how this pink-suited powerhouse strategically conquered Hollywood.

Reese, famed for acting, her book club, and producing prowess, stands as the wealthiest self-made female actress globally. It's not just about the pink suit; it's about her game-changing strategy.

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Annie Monyok Annie Monyok

Lessons from Ted Lasso.

I’ve gone too long not watching Ted Lasso. I had heard so many good things, but I just didn’t want to have another streaming service… I caved and now I can’t turn it off. If you haven’t jumped on the bandwagon yet, Ted Lasso is a show on AppleTV that follows a college football coach that is hired to coach an English soccer team. It’s a set up- he’s sure to be unsuccessful because of his inexperience. But Ted Lasso’s folksy, optimistic leadership turns out to be just what this team needed.

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Annie Monyok Annie Monyok

Student of Leadership

“There isn’t a class you can take (mine or otherwise) that will make you an expert in leadership. It’s a lifetime of trial and error and whether or not you have the self-awareness to acknowledge you’re not likely to become an expert but have the willingness to continue studying anyway.”

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Annie Monyok Annie Monyok

You don’t have to outrun the bear.

The story goes that two men are hiking in the woods and come upon a bear. One man whispers; “We need to run!” The other says, “No! Be still. We can’t outrun this bear.” The first man responds, “I don’t have to outrun the bear—I just have to outrun you.”

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Annie Monyok Annie Monyok

Undercover CEO

I chatted with an old colleague recently and as we swapped war stories it made me reflect on one of our last trips together. It was a short overnight road trip, here in the Midwest, to benchmark a couple of other companies in the manufacturing industry.

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Annie Monyok Annie Monyok

To niche or not?

Small business owners, artists, craftsmen, and entrepreneurs are, in general, a creative bunch who see opportunity where others don’t. It is what makes them successful. Ask a small business owner that has been in operation more than three years how many businesses they have- my guess: more than one. Its why real estate agents are also property managers. It’s why boutique owners have a brick and mortar and an online shop. It’s why food truck operators also cater. It’s why coaches also consult.

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Annie Monyok Annie Monyok

Turn and Face the Sun.

“As it turns out, our kids helped us find a sacred lesson about turning to face the good in life, love, and business. They teach us to seek light and truth. They teach us that growth enhances integrity. They teach us that blooms, while beautiful, can be heavy to carry. They teach us that when we’ve given all that we can to enhance the beauty of the earth, the only thing left to do is plant new seeds and watch them grow.”

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Annie Monyok Annie Monyok

In Direct Conflict.

I have a new Human Capital client that I will admit is stretching me. This organization is unlike any other with which I have worked. In fact, they are what everyone else says they want to be. When I hear clients talk about organizational culture, community, and inclusiveness it is typically aspirational. At Discovery Horse, it is operational.

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Annie Monyok Annie Monyok

Leave Your Baggage at the Door.

When someone says, “leave it at the door,” what they mean instead is, “Suffocate those emotions. Bury them deep, so the rest of us aren’t distracted by your baggage. I do not want to know about your situation because I would be burdened by your emotions and it would be more difficult for me.”

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