It could be a disaster.

I left my day job on March 31, 2021.

Building a plan to go out on my own wasn’t the hard part. Telling people that I wanted to quit my job was. Telling my friends was tricky. Telling my husband was difficult. But telling my boss; that was the worst. Not because I expected he wouldn’t be supportive, he was. But because when I told him I wanted to go; I had to do it. And I was terrified to do it.

Looking back to when I told him, I remember saying; “It could be a disaster.” As if speaking out about the possibility of failure to someone I respect meant that if disaster struck- at least I saw it coming. I think about that a lot. How did I ever find that courage? The truth is I didn’t find it and I was never going to find it working on the plan. It wasn’t until I told my boss I wanted an exit plan that courage found me. It turns out that I didn’t need the courage to jump; I needed it to land on my feet.

It’s been two years and failure is still a very real possibility. The difference between today and two years ago is that I’m not saying, “It could be a disaster.” anymore. Instead, I’m asking, “So what it if is?”

What leap are you waiting to find the courage to take?


Power of Gemba.


Get out of your own way.