The view from down in it.

On a recent family road trip through the Southwest, my husband, George, our kids, and I covered over 4,400 miles in two weeks, exploring ten national parks and camping under the stars (only 5 nights though, because I’m a good wife-not a great one). Amidst this adventure, we stumbled upon the mesmerizing Vermilion Cliffs National Monument in northern Arizona.

We stood at the bottom of the canyon, staring up at the mile-high cliffs, when I looked at George and said, “You know, I think I prefer the view from down in it.” He laughed, “Ya, the fall is a lot more manageable.”

At this point, we were 11 days into the 16-day trip, and we’d visited some of the most majestic canyons and cliffs in our great country. Take your young boys to giant holes in the ground, mountain tops, or sky-high cliffs if you want a healthy shot of adrenaline. As parents, it is safe to say we prefer the view from down in it.

As we drove home, I couldn’t decide: as a leader, which perspective do I prefer? In my line of work, I engage in two distinct consulting contracts. The first is “Human Capital,” offering bespoke solutions tailored to each client’s unique needs which offers me a perspective from the top. The second involves more traditional project-based consulting, where I delve into specific process objectives and challenges faced by organizations. Project-based consulting is a view from down in inside the organization.

The view from the top.

Human Capital is where clients can call in a helping hand when they need HR support. It’s the consulting equivalent to the phone a friend lifeline from “Who wants to be a Millionaire?”.

These cases are usually one-off inquires about developing policy, handling employee issues, or navigating a crisis. We draw upon established policies, strategies and past experiences to inform decisions with the client. The goal is to help leaders consider all the angles in these situations and make sure that as they deal with these one-off situations they consider how it will impact their organization in the long-term. It’s like developing a map to guide us through unfamiliar territory, helping us chart a course that aligns with your organization’s goals.  

No matter the topic, with Human Capital the view is vast, in every case we’re looking out to see how our decisions change the landscape of the organization.

The view from down in it.

This is where our project-based consulting services come in to play.  Here, the focus narrows to the immediate challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Like a seasoned trail guide, we walk alongside you, offering a hands-on support and expertise as we navigate the twists and turns of change. Together, we adapt to unforeseen obstacles and seize opportunities as they arise.

While many consultants provide recommendations packaged neatly in PowerPoint slides, our approach is different. We're not just about delivering reports; we're about driving tangible results. Our project-based consulting takes a more focused approach, honing in on specific processes, working collaboratively alongside you through project implementation. This means defining clear metrics for success and working together to achieve specific objectives.

Choosing your view.

Leadership, much like the road trip with my family, requires the ability to embrace both the panoramic view and intimate view from down in the trails.

A leader solely fixated on the big picture risks losing touch with the intricacies and inner workings of their organization. This disconnection from the pulse of the company can lead to decisions that don't align with the skills and capabilities of their workforce. Conversely, a leader overly immersed in the details may lack a vision for growth, resorting to micromanagement that stifles creativity and autonomy among employees. Such leaders may make uninformed decisions regarding risk, resulting in a stagnant workforce.

However, a leader who strikes a balance between being engaged in day-to-day operations and developing forward-thinking strategies can foster a different outcome. By empowering their workforce and fostering ownership, they keep the organization's engine finely tuned. Their ability to communicate a clear vision for the future ensures that their team remains motivated and optimistic about the prospects ahead.

Take in a view with Monyok Leadership

So, do I have a preference?  Nah. I’m just a sucker for interesting landscapes. Whether you're seeking strategic guidance from the top or hands-on support on the ground, we're here to help you find the path that best suits your needs.


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