Purpose is our mission.

At Monyok Leadership, we hold strongly the belief that people are inherently good. That trust should be freely given, and that mistrust should be earned. That the consequence of our lives and the success of our organizational mission is in the making of our choices. And whether it be through coaching, consulting or teaching, our value at Monyok Leadership is found in the certainty that everyone has the capacity to fulfill the purpose planned for their life.

We help businesses and individuals choose to pursue that purpose.

Leadership Development

Leadership training and workshop engagements are customized for each client to align with the organization's goals and strategies. Outcomes are measured by individual and team success.

Individual coaching engagements are designed to establish and measure success with milestones aligned to each client's overall objectives. The real work happens between sessions when a client tackles commitments made during sessions and puts to use their leadership tools to expand their influence.


Monyok Leadership specializes in consulting with organizations to overcome leadership, growth, and legacy challenges in order to improve company culture, employee development and training, operational process improvements, and employee engagement and satisfaction.
